A Treasury of Memorabilia

Memorabilia, Artifacts and Resources of the Foundation

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From original industry artifacts, to patents, oral interviews, drawings, photographs, historical biographies of industry founders, company histories, manufacturing techniques and much more, the American Home Furnishings Hall of Fame archives an array of resources.

Through state-of-the-art software developed for leading museums and historical societies, we catalog memorabilia in order to make it available for ongoing research on the retail, design, manufacturing and supplier histories of the American home furnishings industry. Please consider donating your historical materials because … if we do not preserve our priceless industry memorabilia now, it will not be available for future generations.


Guidelines for Preserving YOUR History

Taking the lead in the conservation of priceless historical records and materials, the Foundation provides guidelines and resources to encourage companies to preserve their own histories. The Foundation systematically collects memorabilia and digital files of artifacts such as photographs, sketches, patents, company histories, oral interviews, manufacturing techniques and marketing materials, using state-of-the-art software to organize and catalog all items for easy accessibility.

Historically, records gain long-term value as a significant historical reference for the changes in business practices, management techniques, workplace environments, employee benefits, product design, marketing, merchandising and general societal trends.