become a member
We invite you to join the leaders in the most prestigious and only all-inclusive organization in our industry: the Hall of Fame. You’ll become a part of the new Leadership Initiative to create a new class of innovation and leadership.
Connecting bright young minds with inducted members of the Hall of Fame
Engaging world-class speakers
Introducing executive education oriented to our industry
Collaborating with other organizations to spearhead new leadership development experiences
Preserving our history through Tell Us Your Story videos, oral interviews and a timeline of industry history
Recognizing and celebrating exceptional leadership
Inducting outstanding leaders whose careers represent Enduring Excellence, Superior Accomplishments, Innovation and Creativity, and Philanthropic Generosity
Establishing a permanent home that is worthy of our industry
Providing the industry’s greatest networking events
Everything we do is only possible with the support of leaders like you, who selflessly serve the better good of our industry to prepare for an energized future. Whatever your role, please join us!
Our new home will launch the Leaders Circle, the most prestigious gathering of leaders in our industry. Leaders Circle members will gain access to exclusive activities to stay abreast of the latest business trends and to connect with other powerful influencers. They also will receive special privileges and preferred admittance to Hall of Fame events. As the organization of leaders, the Hall of Fame Leaders Circle will represent a hotbed for peer-to-peer discussion, a training ground for promising Future Leaders and a platform for conversation among inducted Members of the Hall of Fame, Future Leaders and our most generous donors.